Ken Haynes, also known as the Golden Isles Real Estate Guy, is a standout REALTOR serving his clients in Brunswick, St. Simons, & the surrounding areas. A former public-school teacher turned real estate agent, Ken enjoys meeting new people & helping them with their real estate needs. He uses his skills that he developed as an educator to solve problems & help his clients reach their goals. He enjoys being an advisor & an advocate for others, & particularly enjoys conquering a real estate challenge. Ken joined the Hodnett Cooper family in 2017, but his love for the Golden Isles spans decades; St. Simons was his childhood home. Ken loves real estate, & it shows! He has been recognized by his company (Rising Star & Honor Society Awards for 2019) & his real estate community (Circle of Excellence for 2019). Get to know Ken! Things he likes, in no order: Golf, Boating, Kayaking, Dogs, Sports, Fitness & more. And an interesting fact? He was an exchange student in the U.S.S.R. in 1989.